N 01deg 29’23.5” E 103 deg23’28.9”
Extra portion of noodles at the famous Heng Heng Dry Noodle shop, with extra “wantons” and 6-sticks of fish “otak”, 2 persons for RM15-00! After the food, Cliff and I actually feel like driving home to take a nap!:)

We set out to the beach to check out on what migrants shorebirds have arrived, all I could see were schools of Redshanks skimming above water presumably looking for proper landing sites, as the tide was still high. One group landed on a dead tree not too far from me enabled me to take some flight shots.
There was also a group of Plovers roosting at a very far distance, which I couldn’t ID’ed! Small waders still looked alike to me!!
About 12 Lesser Adjutants landed on treetops about 150’ away, but 45mins later they flew off towards Kukup along the shoreline. Saw 2 terns hovering nearby and made several vertical dives for fish. Couldn’t get a decent shot of the dive though! :(
We went home, after a cup of hot Milo at the Soccer Field Restaurant (足球场 Kopitiam), with the company of two collared Kingfishers 50' away. The SF Restaurant is located at the beach in the new Pontian Town of the reclaimed land. Beautiful Sunset view and the boss was delighted after we told him that we would return real soon to try out their barbecue fish with chili paste, as I have seen many patrons consuming it during the 2hours I was there.

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