But i wanted the Rhinoceros Hornbill, at least for some improvement shots....
By 8:30am, 8 of them came to the same tree as sighted previously, but i had just walked almost 200m away a few mins ago! By the time i rushed back, they were starting to leave one by one! :(
5 Chestnut-bellied Malkohas came to entertain me just as i was pondering if the hornbills would change their mind and fly right back to the same tree again. Interestingly the Malkohas were busy mating and hopping around non-stop, and i was only allowed two shots, without the mating scene of course!
Chestnut-bellied Malkoha (Phaenicophaeus sumatranus)
Cenuk Kecil * 棕腹地鹃 * オニグロバンケンモドキ * Phướn
Malcoha à ventre roux * malkoha hnedobruchá * นกบั้งรอกเล็กท้องแดง
Two Asian Brown flycatchers were near the scene as well, but they were extremely skittish.....
@ the first stream....
The Dusky Broadbills, Chequer-throated Woodpeckers and Racket-tailed Drongos were already waiting by the side by the time i reached the first stream, which is ~5km into the main bunker trail.
Dusky Broadbill (Corydon sumatranus)
Takau Besar * 暗阔嘴鸟 * ガマヒロハシ * Mỏ rộng đen
Eurylaime corydon * loboš tmavý * Суматранский ширококлюв * นกพญาปากกว้างสีดำ
Chequer-throated Woodpecker (Picus mentalis)
Belatuk Ranting * 斑喉绿啄木鸟 * チャバネアオゲラ
Pic gorgeret * žlna ozdobná * นกหัวขวานคอลาย
@100m after the first stream.......
The calls of white-rumped Shama is probably the most frequently heard in Panti forest, but they are not always seen though.
White-rumped Shama (Copsychus malabaricus)
Murai Rimba * 白腰鹊鸲 * アカハラシキチョウ * Chích chòe lửa
Shama à croupion blanc * šáma trojfarebná * นกกางเขนดง
So when a WR Shama was seen singing in the open, I setup my gear quickly, took some shots, then walk a round leisurely to enjoy some fresh air leaving the Shama singling on its own, and I suddenly saw this Red-naped Trogon just 10' in front of me.
Unfortunately just one quick shot it flew into the forest....guess it must be mad at me for not taking its picture earlier!
i made several attempts later to lure the RNT out again, but instead I got a flock of Tailorbirds and Pin-striped Tit-babblers came begging for some portraits...these are small and active birds and getting them in frame alone is a real challenge.
Striped Tit Babbler (Macronous gularis)
Rimba Berjalur * 纹胸鹛 * ムナフムシクイチメドリ * Chích chạch má vàng
Timalie à gorge striée * timália žltobruchá * นกกินแมลงอกเหลือง
Dark-necked Tailorbird (Orthotomus atrogularis)
Perenjak Leher Hitam * 黑喉缝叶莺 * ノドグロサイホウチョウ * Chích bông cánh vàng
Couturière à col noir * krajcírik ciernohrdlý * นกกระจิบคอดำ
And on my way out the trail, i was hoping to catch a glimpse of the hornbills again but i got these instead, around 100m after the Elephant Trail.
Yellow-bellied bulbul
Chequer-throated woodpecker
Greater Racquet-tailed Drongo
Wow Paul, these are all just amazing birds, but I have to say I've fell in loce with that nice green woodpecker... he is so cute! Gosh you got so many nice pictures there! A wonderful day I guess.
ReplyDeleteWow great shots especially the broadbill.Extremely diificult to catch them on a open perch.
ReplyDeleteGreat!! GREAT!!!!
ReplyDeleteI liked each of these shots...
thanks for sharing :)